Mayor Charles Royer of Seattle, Wa., signs the proclamation for the Day of Remembrance, 1978.
Courtesy of Densho, the Kinoshita Family Collection. Source: Densho Encyclopedia. License.

Mayor Charles Royer of Seattle, Wa., signs the proclamation for the Day of Remembrance, 1978.
Courtesy of Densho, the Kinoshita Family Collection. Source: Densho Encyclopedia. License.
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Civic Engagement Quotes Activity
Write your reflections on one of the questions below.
What is the relationship between racism and civil liberties? Racism and social equity?
What can we as individuals do to help address some of the issues raised in the video? What can we do collectively as a society?
What kinds of current-day issues around civil liberties and social equity most concern or interest you? Why?
Choose one of the following laws or events and write about 2–3 key lessons that we should consider during this time of frequent hate crimes and hate incidents against Asian Americans.
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
Tape v. Hurley, 1885
Immigration Act, 1924
Japanese American incarceration, 1942–1945
Killing of Vincent Chin, 1982
Read the article, “The History of Anti-Asian-American Violence,” and discuss what surprised you the most about the interview. Next, write an op-ed about the article. It was written by Renee Tajima-Peña, a professor of Asian American studies at U.C.L.A. and an Academy Award-nominated filmmaker.
Write your reflections on one of these prompts:
A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. What are some of the comments that the students make about stereotypes or biases?
Have you ever been prejudged due to a stereotype? What can be done to counter stereotypes? Have your civil liberties ever been challenged? Is so, how?
Research the “model minority myth” and share how it has affected and continues to affect the Asian American community.
Consider the statement, “history is basically being erased,” that was made by one of the students. Historical erasure often focuses on expunging shameful and horrific events from history to allow certain groups to avoid guilt and responsibility. Write about an example of this.
Describe how the panelists’ comments are similar or different from the comments shared in “Students on Current-Day Social Equity Issues,” “What It Means to Be Muslim American” or “What Does It Mean to Be a Young Black Man in America?” which are also included in this lesson.
Select an Asian American-related topic as the focus for your “Civil Liberties & Social Equity Research Project,” which is also included in this lesson.
Project Two
Choose one of the following laws or events and write about 2–3 key lessons that we should consider during this time of frequent hate crimes and hate incidents against Asian Americans.
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
Tape v. Hurley, 1885
Immigration Act, 1924
Japanese American incarceration, 1942–1945
Killing of Vincent Chin, 1982

Project Three
Read the article, “The History of Anti-Asian-American Violence,” and discuss what surprised you the most about the interview.
Next, write an op-ed about the article. It was written by Renee Tajima-Peña, a professor of Asian American studies at U.C.L.A. and an Academy Award-nominated filmmaker.

Project One
Write your reflections on one of the questions below.
What is the relationship between racism and civil liberties? Racism and social equity?
What can we as individuals do to help address some of the issues raised in the video? What can we do collectively as a society?
What kinds of current-day issues around civil liberties and social equity most concern or interest you? Why?
Project Four
A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. What are some of the comments that the students make about stereotypes or biases?
Research the “model minority myth” and share how it has affected and continues to affect the Asian American community.
Describe how the panelists’ comments are similar or different from the comments shared in “Students on Current-Day Social Equity Issues,” “What It Means to Be Muslim American” or “What Does It Mean to Be a Young Black Man in America?” which are also included in this lesson.
Have you ever been prejudged due to a stereotype? What can be done to counter stereotypes? Have your civil liberties ever been challenged? Is so, how?
Consider the statement, “history is basically being erased,” that was made by one of the students. Historical erasure often focuses on expunging shameful and horrific events from history to allow certain groups to avoid guilt and responsibility. Write about an example of this.
Select an Asian American-related topic as the focus for your “Civil Liberties & Social Equity Research Project,” which is also included in this lesson.

Write your reflections on one of these prompts:

Have students write their reflections on one of the questions below.
What is the relationship between racism and civil liberties? Racism and social equity?
What can we as individuals do to help address some of the issues raised in the video? What can we do collectively as a society?
What kinds of current-day issues around civil liberties and social equity most concern or interest you? Why?
Have students choose one of the following laws or events and write about 2–3 key lessons that we should consider during this time of frequent hate crimes and hate incidents against Asian Americans.
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
Tape v. Hurley, 1885
Immigration Act, 1924
Japanese American incarceration, 1942–1945
Killing of Vincent Chin, 1982
Have students read the article, “The History of Anti-Asian-American Violence,” and lead a discussion on what surprised them the most about the interview. Next have students write an op-ed about the article. It was written by Renee Tajima-Peña, a professor of Asian American studies at U.C.L.A. and an Academy Award-nominated filmmaker.
Have students write their reflections on one of these prompts:
A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. What are some of the comments that the students make about stereotypes or biases?
Have you ever been prejudged due to a stereotype? What can be done to counter stereotypes? Have your civil liberties ever been challenged? Is so, how?
Research the “model minority myth” and share how it has affected and continues to affect the Asian American community.
Consider the statement, “history is basically being erased,” that was made by one of the students. Historical erasure often focuses on expunging shameful and horrific events from history to allow certain groups to avoid guilt and responsibility. Write about an example of this.
Describe how the panelists’ comments are similar or different from the comments shared in “Students on Current-Day Social Equity Issues,” “What It Means to Be Muslim American” or “What Does It Mean to Be a Young Black Man in America?” which are also included in this lesson.
Select an Asian American-related topic as the focus for their “Civil Liberties & Social Equity Research Project,” which is also included in this lesson.